2105, Nai Basti, Narela, Delhi
Phone +91 95181-72731, 88021-76649


To prevent the multiplication of pathogens in the Gut

Poultry Feed Supplement


Combination of slective organic acid, water specific compounds, bio-surfactants and emulsifiers.

Recommended for

Effective aginast Gram-negative baceria(E-coil, salmonella).

Enhance Gut health by reducing the PH.

Reduces colonization of pathogenic bacteria.

Improve the intestinalvilli and gut integrity.

Reduces the production of toxic microbial comppounds.

Improves digestibility of proteins and minerals.

Improves immunity.

Suggested Levels :

For Breeders, Layers and Brollers

1 gm/2 ltr. of drinking water.

Presentation :

1 kg., 25 kg., 1 Ltr. & 5 Ltr.